The focus of our sober living program is three-fold: provide structure and support to individuals leaving inpatient treatment, mitigate triggers and risks for relapse, and bring individuals out of isolation to begin living as integrated members of a community in sobriety.

Getting sober is just the beginning, however.  Often individuals face consequences (legal, emotional, physical) that come with addiction. Even in sobriety, the stressors and fears surrounding those consequences can change the way a person views their sober experience. The structure and safety in our homes can help individuals avoid the temptation to relapse out of fear or from stress. In our homes, participants learn to take control of their lives with support and guidance to face their fears and walk through any consequences their previous way of life may have brought. We encourage and mentor our residences to see to it that all individuals in our homes are bettering themselves mentally, physically and financially. Our homes help eliminate the risk of relapse by providing a safe and structured drug and alcohol-free environment that one might not have on their own upon leaving a detox or inpatient treatment. This not only promotes a sober way of life but also enhances better emotional responses and behavior.

Palm trees against a serene backdrop with the quote 'Our sober homes offer a true home feeling that provides people with support and respect to empower them and inspire confidence.

“We encourage and mentor our residences to see to it that all individuals in our homes are bettering themselves mentally, physically and financially. ”

After leaving inpatient programs such as detox and treatment, many people find themselves back in the same toxic environment when returning home. The individual is different but the surroundings, people and triggers are all the same. As a newly sober individual, a safe and structured environment is crucial for success in preventing relapse. Our Sober homes offer a true home feeling that provides people with support and respect to empower them and inspire confidence.

Our Housing has rules and guidelines that promote sobriety and a better way of life. Participants are drug tested regularly, attend social activities/events and are also required to attend outside 12 step meetings. Our program is designed to not just be a “sober house” where people abstain from substances. We offer uniquely tailored services for everyone to promote a better way of life for them, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Person writing in a notebook, symbolizing personal growth and reflection alongside the quote encouraging residents to improve mentally, physically, and financially at Gambit Recovery

“Our Sober homes offer a true home feeling that provides people with support and respect to empower them and inspire confidence.”

Finally, in our homes residents become integrated members of a community. In active addiction, many individuals find themselves isolated—cut off from society and unable to make a meaningful impact on the world around them. People who are struggling with substance issues have a sense of being alone. They may feel abandoned or ashamed, or feel as though their family and friends are done with them because of their drug or alcohol use. This isolation offers little hope for success. People often start drinking or using again.

Our homes offer individuals a safe place to be surrounded by others who have overcome the same obstacles and experiences and have restored their relationships with loved ones. We know the pain that comes with disappointing others as well as yourself. Being in a place where you can talk about those thoughts without judgment and receive the corrective feedback creates a sense of peace, serenity, support, and belonging.