Gam·bit /ˈɡambət/ 

Noun: an opening action,  typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage.

Founded from a need for highly structured, affordable sober living, Gambit Recovery is the culmination of friendship between Thomas Fay and Nathan Mitchell. After meeting in sober living over 14 years ago, Thomas and Nathan quickly saw that there was a high number of relapses in sober living houses. They wanted sobriety to be obtainable, long term, and for the majority. They took what they learned, what they wanted to change, their own experiences, and partnered to create a better model - one based on affordability and integrity. Gambit Recovery is a better alternative for those struggling with addiction. Our continuous care promotes and encourages sober people as they embark on their recovery journey.

We are here to offer hope for anyone, anywhere in their recovery.

Extracting Individuals From Rock Bottom

Gambit Recovery provides a stable, safe, comfortable, and supportive environment where participants are engaged in their recovery and are empowered to reintegrate with their families and communities.

Getting sober is just the beginning. After being separated from the drink or drug, many people find themselves feeling overly confident in returning back to their home. They quickly realize after returning to their old environment that they are now faced with the many challenges of maintaining sobriety, including temptation, judgment, isolation, and toxic people. Attempting to face these challenges alone is overwhelming and accounts for a high number of people picking back up to cope. At Gambit Recovery, participants find themselves in a safe, structured, and encouraging environment where they are able to achieve a better way of life mentally, emotionally, and physically. Our program is designed for participants to want to strive for better and to want better for the people around them. Our residents are drug tested regularly, and are required to gain employment and attend 12-step meetings. We provide countless resources to improve the lives of our residents and help them find meaning and purpose, guiding them as they better themselves so they can go on to better the lives around them.

Recovery is available for you or a loved one. Click on the “contact us” button below now to schedule a tour, reserve a bed or to talk with our staff.

Help is here and we are here to help.

Stylized illustration of a coffin with flowers and a hand reaching out to the Gambit Recovery logo, featuring a graphic design. Gothic, tattoo-inspired artwork.